This is fairy bread. Australians eat this and give it to their children. They make sandwiches from it. Why are they not the size of Americans? How do they beat us at sport?
Happy Halloween
4 months ago
Blog Design by Gisele Jaquenod
That is extraordinary. Never saw or heard of it when I was out there. Maybe they hid it from me as they could see it would just make me even more amazing than I already am? Gutted.
looks disgusting!
Bread with sprinkles on? How can that be nutritous? Mind what do you expect from former convicts? lol
Jonathan, we are amazed enough at you already, it's probably a good thing that they withheld the strange bread.
Sparkymarky1973, I expect poor yeast extract and sporting excellence.
I honestly don't think you should knock Fairy Bread before you try it! Fairly sure that only a small amount of us make sandwiches out of it (ie myself).
Alex, I have decided that I will try it. I will do so in the next month. I will try not to pre-judge it, or to look at it. I will post the results, should I live.
Thank you! You might even love it. It may even change your life. It probably won't but it might.
Can I just add, we don't eat fairy bread everyday or anything. It's not a substitute for normal bread.
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