
Marc's A Reader: Part 3

I was told that sitting around the house reading was bad for me and that I should go and get some fresh air.


Simon said...

The only question I have is who is the photographer? Do you ask random strangers to take snaps of you reading your book or is Briony following you around with a camera?

Marc said...

I have no idea, Simon. I am rather preoccupied with James Ellroy's excellent book.

David Bailey said...

This fella is stalking me. Can't take a damn shot without him getting in the way.

Questioner said...

Is that a suitcase or just a massive man bag?

Marc said...

It's an old leather British Rail guard's bag, Bri. It's in the style of a satchel but slightly larger. Everyone loves it. People have actually stopped me in the street and in shops to talk with me about it. My neighbour remarked upon it yesterday. You're asking me about it now. Perhaps I should give it a blog of its own.

Satisfied Bri said...

How did you know that was from me? I REALLY like it, the only thing I cant get from the pics is a sense of proportion. Might be too big?

Marc said...

You type with an accent, Bri. Also, you are enquiring about a man bag. I can fit a book and three bottles of beer in it, which makes it just the right size.

Davey B said...

That's very good. Very good!