This is the Eternal Moonwalk, a tribute to Michael Jackson. The link was sent to me by Sarah Ayub, who is presumably watching this between Wimbledon and the next series of Fighting Talk. It's a site devoted to user generated footage of themselves moonwalking, and people have contributed from all over the world.
I've been watching it for a while now. So far I've learned that many more people than you think live in apartments. I've discovered that everyone in the world, except for a man in Venezuela, lives somewhere nicer than me, that obesity is no hinderance to moonwalking prowess and that drunkenness is. I now know that the stereotypical image of all Brazilians as snake-hipped samba dancing gods couldn't be more false. I have learned that no Spaniard can moonwalk, and that middle aged Dutch housewives are surprisingly adept at moonwalking (presumably they practice when they're not making pornography). I've seen twenty eight dogs being pulled along backwards by their owners. I've seen a chicken moonwalk!
Some people take it seriously, moonwalking unflashily, their faces an expression of earnest concentration. Others are more extrovert, smiling as they moonwalk, waving, throwing the peace sign. One man runs at the camera half way through his moonwalk, maniacally kissing the badge on his football shirt before calmly returning to the task in hand. Some people add pirouettes, the splits and many dance moves that I don't know the names of. Some moonwalk quickly, some slowly, some alone, some with friends, many people wear one white glove, a good number wear sunglasses, lots wear suits, one man moonwalks in a pith helmet.
It's fantastic. The sheer diversity of people, locations and competence - all united by the moonwalk - make it compelling viewing.
How do you moonwalk?
Have you done one or not? I have no interest in watching it all night on the off chance.
I may even have mentioned it in the article, Jonathan. I've uploaded it, it's not live yet.
I see. Yes I did read that. I was looking for someone in a pith helmet and even searched for Marc Fearns and pith. To no avail hence the question.
You are correct, Marc. I will be watching this until the beginning of September when Fighting Talk returns. I will let you know how many times I see you in your pith helmet.
Sarah, I'm glad to hear it. Is it still possible to win Bobby Gould's shirt in your Facebook group?
Update! A panel of Belgians has decided that my moonwalk does not meet their criteria (perhaps they don't like pith helmets), because you can't see my feet. That was a part of my brilliant visual gag but the Belgians, famed as they are for their amazing sense of humour, have decided that they will not be adding it. Undeterred, I have just resorted to plan B, which is being processed at the moment. See if you can spot the feet on this one.
Marc, it is still possible to win Bobby Gould's shirt on the Fighting Talk Appreciation Society facebook group, yes.
Another update, my moonwalk is now on the eternal moonwalk site. Here's where to win that shirt:
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