
My Enemy's Anenome is My Friend

(It gets big if you click on it.)


Jonathan said...

Good hair Marc.

Marc said...

Thanks Jonathan. By good, do you mean not ginger?

Jonathan said...

That and the style. Also, well done on the new features. Ratings. Top Commentators etc. Good to see that I currently have a sizable advantage.

Marc said...

You've just increased your advantage with that comment. Sneaky.

SixSixEight said...

That my dear boy is a Jellyfish! And just like Punter to have one as a pet.

Marc said...

SixSixEight, So my enemy's anenome is a jellyfish? I can't think of anything more bizarre. I suppose this is what happens when you trust Google Images to find correctly labelled pictures.

Perhaps this picture will be more to your liking, and be more accurately labelled.
