Yesterday we received some sad news. A letter from the donkey sanctuary informed us that Dylan, our adopted donkey, had died. We never met him, but he wrote regularly and always remembered my birthday.
This prompted a rather bizarre conversation today. My wife mentioned that cats go off on their own to die.
"Like donkeys", I suggested.
"Donkeys don't go off on their own to die", she replied.
"Dylan Did".
"Donkeys don't go off on their own to die", she insisted, "how would they dig a hole?"
"They would Burro!"
Fortunately for her, Briony returns to school soon.
Did you know a Donkey is a mammal?
That'll explain why we can never get donkey eggs at Sainsbury's. Thanks Jonathan.
It's just one of those things that would have many people stumped when they read the £1 million question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
When you say "many people" do you mean the stupid?
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